Welcome to BowserBasher's Lair.
BowserBasher's Lair is a personal site designed by me, with a little help from a few people along the way.
This is the third major version of my site, and will be incorporating the use of many new features and techniques that I have been learning.
This new version remains fairly similar in style, but has taken one major design change, the menu (again). After looking for a way to do it, I found the perfect
tutorial/example for building a drop down navigational menu entirely in PHP and HTML only, no javascript needed. I have altered the design to suit my site, but it
is essentially the same as was described. The menu is divided up into the same categories as my old design, just now being at the top like this, I do not have pages
where the menu is so much longer than the content on the page. Unfortunately, the menu does not seem to work on some mobile devices, I tested it on an iPhone, therefore
I have manually placed a link to the Site Map and Home page in the top right of ever page.
The site will also take advantage of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and the <DIV> element to get a much simpler site layout, now centered on the page.
The main purpose of BowserBasher's Lair is just for me to have a place to show off, display or rant about anything I want to. You can check out the
About BowserBasher page, for info on me. See me on Roller Coasters on my Roller Coaster picture page. See me with a couple of stars from
The Lord of the Rings when I went to a Lord of the Rings signing. Or take a read of my Orlando Holiday.
There are many other places to visit too, like my Animal Crossing pages. These are all about my Animal Crossing towns which includes many, many pictures.
BowserBasher's Lair is designed to look good in all browsers, though I find that it looks best (and the way I intend it to look) in
Mozilla Firefox. Whilst it is viewable in all other browsers, I recommend that you take a look at Firefox.
I was converted some time ago when a friend showed me what my original site design looked like in Firefox, and graciously helped me re-code my site so that it would
look great in other browsers besides IE. I started using Firefox and have not regretted it.
To make BowserBasher's Lair I use HTML (HyperText Markup Language), PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). I use Macromedia DreamWeaver 8 for all the coding and Adobe Photoshop to design my images. I have taken the time to make sure that this version of my site conforms to W3C recommendations, as much as I can. I am also proud to be able to display the Valid CSS! button button on my site.
Latest updates
11/05/15:New Ramble added
A quick new ramble added showing off my new tattoo. I am still wanting to add more to my site and have been getting a little inspiration lately, so hopefully I will start
to add a little more from now on.
19/05/14:New Ramble added
I have added a short Ramble about the state of updates. I hope to start maintaining the site more often now.
09/03/13:New Ramble added
I have added a short Ramble to the My Ramblings section. This is to do with the new RedBubble ads that are now on the site.
05/10/12: Minor update
I know that I haven't added anything to the site in nearly a year, I just haven't had any inspiration. However, I have just added a slight addition to the
About BowserBasher page. After starting to go Geocaching, I'd thought I'd add a bit to the site.
12/10/11: 3D Photo Gallery
I had tested this some time ago and have now finally got enough photo to show this off. The 3D Photo Gallery is now open for your viewing
pleasure. Please note though, that you will only see 3D photos when you are using the Nintendo 3DS to view these photos. If you view them on a regular computer then you
will just see normal images.
06/08/11: Added more SP-Studio Images
I have added the second batch of South Park Characters to the South Park Characters page, to take the total to 60. These are all ones that
I have made before I started the page on here. Enjoy.
03/08/11: New SP-Studio Gallery
Recently I have been fascinated with the SP-Studio site that allows you to create characters in the form of South Park. As such,
I have been making many characters and will be showing them off on here. The first batch can be found on the South Park Characters page.
19/06/11: New Pilotwings photos
Added 10 new Pilotwings photos to take the total to 45.
18/06/11: A few rambles added
I have added a few rambles to the My Ramblings section. These just cover the redesign of the site, and a simple photography technique that
I have discovered.
11/06/11: New Pilotwings photos added
I have added another 10 photos to the Pilotwings Gallery.
09/06/11: The New Site
Today marks the unveiling of the new and improved BowserBasher's Lair. This third design is the best yet, taking advantage of a much better menu system than the
previous one. I used this tutorial by Dreamweaver Tutorials
to make the menu entirely in CSS and HTML, no javascript required at all. I'm very pleased with the way it turned out and it is very easy to add to when needed. I have
centered the whole site in the browser, but after that, pretty much everything else is as it was. I've renamed pages, and reorganized some things, so some old links may
not be working, but I will fix any that I come across.
I want to thank the many people that have helped me in any way with this design, or helped test this before I released it.
I have removed all previous updates from this page, but they can all be found under the updates page as always.
I will be making a past in the ramblings section in the next few days giving more insight into why the update and other bits.